Social media marketing agency
Develop your online presence through social media!
Expand your audience and build a community that cares about your message.
Your social media marketing agency
in Montreal and in Quebec

At Leadstream, a team of experienced professionals will help you grow your business through social media. Social media offers a platform where companies can interact directly with their audience, strengthen customer relationships and build loyalty. Our social media marketing agency has a proven track record of helping companies achieve their goals and building trust with our partners.
Want to raise your brand’s profile and boost sales? Leadstream issues tailor-made strategies for optimal results!
The importance of social media
for your business
In the digital age, customers increasingly turn to social media to discover and learn about products and services. Conversions, retention, and increased sales are goals you can achieve by getting closer to your clients.
Remember, the most important aspect of social media is that it allows you to create ties and relationships. Well, this is true for businesses as well! Today, it truly is an integral part of any online strategy.
Personalized management of your social media
Putting social media to good use requires careful planning, creative thinking and, above all, in-depth knowledge of platforms and marketing! That’s where social media marketing agencies like Leadstream come in.
It’s essential that your social media content strategy reflects your brand’s identity and unique voice. Every post should be an opportunity to convey a clear message that resonates with the brand’s core values, while generating interest and engagement among followers.
We can let your brand’s personality shine through and stimulate the conversion of prospects into loyal customers.
Discover our strengths
How does our social media agency help you reach your sales targets?
Are you still doubtful of how much power social media has over your sales? The strategies put in place by Leadstream work on three levels: attraction, conversion and loyalty. Keep on reading to better understand how this works.
As with any type of strategy, the first step is to attract prospects. Engaging content can do great things, especially if users feel inspired and share it on their networks! Social media advertising also helps to generate views and build awareness in your field. To do this, Leadstream relies on tailor-made content that makes you stand out from the crowd.
To convert prospects into customers, they need to feel engaged, but they also need to be able to buy your products and services easily! Sales tools can be an interesting addition to encourage conversion, especially as they are easy to use on mobile devices (Facebook store, Instagram Shopping, ads, etc.). Of course, conversion comes first and foremost through community management and communications, which must be engaging for your audience.
Increase your engagement rate and build customer loyalty by showing them you care.
Our process
How does our social media marketing agency work, in order to achieve these Goals?
Choosing Leadstream as your social media marketing agency really means: